Bahasa Indonesia ternyata lebih simple dibanding Bahasa Inggris

iklan murah

Tau gak sih lu kalau Bahasa Indonesia itu ternyata lebih simple dibandingkan dengan Bahasa Inggris ?, Kagak percaya, nih saya kasih buktinya.....

English: "Would you please care to elaborate on that statement?"
Indonesian: "MAKSUD LOH?!"

English: "The meeting will start at 9:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand."
Indonesian: "Jangan Telat Ya..!!"

English: "I definitely won't make it. You guys go and have fun without me."
Indonesian: "Ntar gue nyusul."

English: "Your statement is already known by everybody else."
Indonesian: "BASI LO!"

English: "I couldn't see the necessity of this conversation."
Indonesian: "GA PENTING Boo..."

English: "I couldn't think of any idea of where to go and what to do."
Indonesian : "MATI GAYA neh"

English: "I need to tell u something unfortunat ely still need to be confirmed on its validity."
Indonesian: "Eh, TAU GA' SIH LO..."(Nggosip)

English: "I couldn't imagine what else could've happen."
Indonesia: "BUSET DAH!!"

English: "The conclusion which is not accepted."
Indonesian: "CAPE DEH!!"

English: "Pardon me."
Indonesia : "HAAAHH??"

English: "I think you should not act in such an improper way."
Indonesian: "Pliiiss Dech!"

English: "I think it would be better if we don't see each other again..."
Indonesia: "Loe... Gw... End!!!"


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